#5 Changing Your Energy Bank
On a daily basis, how are you spending your energy in a positive way, and how are you spending your energy in a negative way? Begin to become aware of how you’re modulating your energy on a daily basis. Write down what feels good during the day and what feels heavy. Once you begin to become aware of how you spend your precious time, consider where in your life you can cut out what you don’t want in your life and incorporate more of what you do want. Making decisions of how you spend your time, care, and energy, gives you more value, purpose, joy and vitality in your everyday life. Self-care is the foundation of my practice. If you’re struggling to create more balance or incorporate a daily self-care practice that inspires you, I can help. Email me at [email protected] or call me (646) 392-8885. I can offer you a FREE Coaching session. Let’s talk!